Healing practices


We need all the love
we can get.

I’m a Healer because it’s necessary and because it’s an important part of my heritage.
As someone with a number of chronic illnesses myself, I understand the importance of having people in your life
who are invested in your well-being on your terms, in learning and growing with you,
and riding the many changes that embodiment and experience ask us to move through.


There are many energy healing traditions around the world, and they can be used for many things, but mainly to support physical, emotional, and mental growth and change. I am a Healer and Student in the Usui Reiki tradition.

In a Reiki session, the client sets the intention, and we work together to direct, redirect, unblock, ease, energize or whatever is deemed helpful for their well-being. Many people choose to come over a number of sessions in order to learn more about their own energy, intuition, and feelings, and experience change and well-being support over time.

People who may see particular benefits from Reiki sessions may be experiencing chronic pain, long-term medical treatments that are hard on the body/spirit, or depression or anxiety due to both. Our time together involves support with navigating the energy, and the providing of other resources, strategies, and care at the end of each session. Please note that it takes time to heal, and so while you may see improvement or change after one session, long-term healing will take a series of sessions.

Make an Appointment

You can make an appointment for Reiki sessions through my Calendly.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions



